Monday, October 11, 2010

Halo Series Wrap Up A Rretrospective

Hello once again world wide audience

With Halo: Reach finally having been released i plan to replay the Halo saga: Halo , Halo 2 , Halo 3, ODST and finally Reach to do a retrospective on the series. This will involve what i believe worked and didn't, mistakes made innovations that were awesome and finally to rank the series from best to worse. 

If all goes well and i can round up some people i may even do a webcast version of it so look dont say i dont ever look after any of you.
So depending on how school goes and everything it should be up soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In Soviet Russia White Gold is You

Poor Thomas Covenant he can beat Lord Foul and save the land. If only he could be nice.

Top 10 Videogame Characters I Want To Be Added To The Next Smash Brothers Game : THE SEQUEL EPISODE XII : RETURN OF THE SMASH

Its seem's luck and time have allowed me finally to continue my top 10 list of characters i want to see in the next smash game so without futher ado and wasting your time as Coolio would say "AWWWWW HERE GOES......"

Everyones favorite Beer drinking, shit defeating, Teddy hating squirrel is a pretty damn obvious choice for Nintendo's fighting game franchise and what a ball it would be to be able to play as him. Puking on the ground for players to slide in, throwing empty beer bottles, that shit would be classic though im sure Nintendo would have to up the rating a little (M) ( But for god sake think of the children and there precious little minds.)
STAGE:  Windy Mountain
MUSIC: Overworld
MOVES:Tailspin, Spew, Double SMG

Now for someone a little more obscure on the list. Everyones favorite female cyborg Marina. back when Enix wasn't snatched up by the super company that is square and still made original games it brought out this gem. Mischief makers was a great game for the N64 though the controls were a bit on the odd side and the story from what i can remember is a little odd and quite forgettable as evident in my remembering of what it actually was about. though something stood out and if anything that was the boss battles man were they epic and in hindsight i should of picked Cerberus Alpha  instead of marina but ohwell.

STAGE: The Great Athletics Carnival
MUSIC: Intro
MOVES: Shake Shake, missile throw, summon Phoenix Gamma 
At this point you have brought thought Ive run out of games and series to pick characters from well asshole that just isn't the case and to prove my case here are the characters that just missed out on being added to my list.
-Frog (Chrono Trigger)
-Storm Eagle (Megaman)
-Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
-K Rool (Donkey Kong Country)
The matter of the fact is Earthworm Jim is for lack of a better work cool. Essentially hes just a run of the mill garden variety earthworm but add that to a state of the art space suit type get out and you got some ass kicking premise right there. GROOOOOOOOVY

STAGE: New Junk City
MOVES: Head Whip, Cow Launch, Brick-house Gun
Once again i have doubled up on another franchise but i think here my pick was truly justified. kratos is without a doubt the man what more can i say?

STAGE:  Final destination
MOVES: Fucking you up

Thats it. Go home.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hopefully you guys have been waiting for 5 - 1 of my smash brothers wish list well due to working (quite hard might i add ) there has been delays but by the end of the week i will have part two up and ready for you all to view, assuming i don't get too drunk.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Top 10 Videogame Characters I Want To Be Added To The Next Smash Brothers Game PART 1

 This is a list i made of characters that had graced a Nintendo console in the past. So before you say "Hey YoBrocko that character  is now owned by blahblahblah that could never happen your an idiot". FUCK YOU I KNOW. This is my list i'm going to add whoever i want.
For each charcter the template will follow:

LEVEL: This would be the their level in the smash brothers game that represents them.
MUSIC: The music that would represent them on their level (and hopefully a link to it if i can find one.)
MOVES: any moves that they could possibly have in the game.

When i first started thinking of characters id like to see in a future smash brothers game the first that came to mind was bubsy. Originally designed to be someone to match sonic the hedgehog, Bubsy was a speedy little feline with one of the most annoying voices of the Snes days "What could possibly go wrong""Did i mention i didnt like heights". Most of the games charm came from its humour and was a fun and enjoyable platformer for the SNES and Megadrive (or if your a yank genesis).

STAGE: Chapter 1 Village.
MUSIC:  Title Theme
MOVES: Yarn throw, Piano Drop

Ninja Turtles eat your mother fucking hearts out these are the real deal. These 3 brothers are kick ass beyond belief which makes the game bearable because it is HARDD !!!!!1111!!!! (notice the caps and exclamation marks? yes its that fucking hard i had to use them.) if anyone can pass the bike level i will personally give you 100 dollars. The soundtrack to this game is worth buying it. The 3 bros would play like the pokemon trainer from brawl being able to swtich in and out on the fly. each would have their own attack types. Foot / Hands and whatever the 3rd one uses.

STAGE: Level 1 Volcanic level.
MUSIC: T-Birds Theme
MOVES: Anvil fist, Ram Horn Headbutt.
This character i can see easily fitting into a fighting style game pretty easy. Hes a dinosaur which is thats not cool enough he rides a fucking prehistoric skateboard now that is radical. Once again this is another SNES game i grew up playing and adore it a lot so he's worthy of a spot and turns out he is actually Australian.

STAGE: Level 1 jungle.
MUSIC: Level 1 jungle
MOVES: Flying kick, Skateboard Bash, Fire Breathe.
(Due to legal issues and not wanting to get sued this article will refer to a certain company as Micro$$$oft and Rawr)
Everyones Favorite bear and bird duo would be the perfect pair of characters to star in a smash brothers game but thanks to Micro$$$oft and Rawr we can at this point only dream about playing them.Having their unique style of game play and huge following i can see these two became fan favorites.  

STAGE:  Spiral Mountain
MUSIC: Spiral Mountain
MOVES: Beak Barge, Egg Firing.
He's a fucking evil crow in a space suit enough said!

STAGE: Puppy Love
MUSIC: Puppy Love parts 1 / 2 / 3
MOVES: Bomb Throw, Angry Pit Bull Mother.
Next on the list is a character I've always quite enjoyed and felt he would be perfect in a fighting game. His moves are already there and nothing is better then someone who uses duel swords. Lloyd is from the tales of Symphonia series and would, I can only assume be god tier if included in a smash game. Why Namco haven't already created a fighting game with their catalog of characters is beyond me if they can keep making Tekkens they can surely makes a tales fighter. 

STAGE: Iselia. 
MUSIC: Full Force
MOVES: Psi Tempest, Twin Tiger Blade.

Well that does it for part 1 hopefully sooner rather then later i will get part 2 under way hope you mostly agree with my picks so far.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scott Pilgrim VS The World VS PSN

When it comes to paying for downloadable games it seems my PlayStation doesn't get much love its not that it is shunned or forgotten about its just simply there downloadable games are shit. Outside games i already know and love (PS1 classics) there is absolutely nothing that i would spend money on, minis just don't cut it yes they maybe only 5 dollars but that no excuse for the majority of them to be either:
A. Tetris/Bejeweled rip off
B.something involving zombies or ninjas.

While for my other consoles i have a large array of downloadable games, xbox currently winning this race by a mile.
Monkey Island 1 & 2
Symphony of the Night
Castle crashers
The list continues but its fair to say until recently there is nothing that i wanted to buy over the PSN..............



Scott pilgrim vs the world is for the lack of a better word the bomb fucking diggity. The storyline Loosely follows the plot of the graphic novels and has us take control of Scott as you try and defeat his new girlfriends 7 evil exes.
The style of game is a final fight / double dragon / river city random type game play and has you walking streets beating what seems to be everyone. I hope to god that whoever buys this has friends that they know in person because its pretty brutal and you wont find any help online, yeah thats right offline Co-Op while that isn't horribly bad you would think that in todays age an online mode would be added. due to the difficulty and my lack of finding 4 people that want to play at once the best ive done is 2 players we managed to get to the 2ND level.

The game features a level up / stat building system, basic at best but helps when you finally can learn a new power move for punching in your neighbors dog's face. The art style to this game is fucking amazing running in HI-DEF the game is smooth and its 2d pixelated sprites and setting are feasts for the eyes. finally PSN has given me something to spend my hard earned money ABOUT FUCKING TIME SONY YOU PRICKS.

i suggest anyone who owns a ps3 to purchase this title.

In conclusion i brought this game for about 15 dollars and a few days later i brought Kane and Lynch 2 for 100. you do the maths :(

Ill leave you with 2 Trailers.



Thursday, August 19, 2010

It Aint Co-Op if your sober.

It occurred to me the other day as if a light bulb had struck me ( assuming a light bulb was a bottle of vodka.) that some things are better with people now i'm all for being an anti social leper cunt, but some games just fucking suck playing by yourself (Unlike masturbation).

The game in question was gears of war 2 i played it and i finished it sure it was OK but i felt no love no attachment to the series. My mate and fellow xboxer GU1LTYSPARK  was in the same boat perhaps to an even lesser extend. his idea of a game having guns was it has to be in first person, wasn't until red dead did the idea of a 3rd person perspective did he warm to the idea. the game red dead has a much larger power then that, me and GU1LTY had a long history of playing games together that was cemented one Christmas playing COD4. but the idea of Co-Op still didnt exsist.

That is until red dead redemption and we played the shit out of it mostly while drunk i believe i was on some subliminal tequila binge the made made me have fucking mexicans. but since that we have craved any Co-Op titles that we both knew we had.

Call Of Duty World At War
Gears Of War 2

now i'm sure he has ones i don't and i'm no different if only he had fucking crackdown. but we took to these old titles with a new sense not focused on the game but on how two people can make the game fun. we started with gears of wars 2. i was Dom and let me say i was as cunty as the character i was playing. and i'm sure i'm no different then any of you. if i see a ammo box and ive only shot one bullet that fucking box is mine i don't care how low you are first see first get bitches. lets just say it drove the man crazy. The worse was yet to come.

WaW FLAME THROWER.Them words along will cause rage along GU1LTYSPARK (though i'm sure thats jealousy since he never got one.) "SERIOUSLY STOP IT ALL YOUR DOING IS KILLING ME ITS NOT HELPING." but as if we care along as we get the multipliers and points right?

in conclusion i rock and GU1LTYSPARKS is a whinging loser. :)