Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scott Pilgrim VS The World VS PSN

When it comes to paying for downloadable games it seems my PlayStation doesn't get much love its not that it is shunned or forgotten about its just simply there downloadable games are shit. Outside games i already know and love (PS1 classics) there is absolutely nothing that i would spend money on, minis just don't cut it yes they maybe only 5 dollars but that no excuse for the majority of them to be either:
A. Tetris/Bejeweled rip off
B.something involving zombies or ninjas.

While for my other consoles i have a large array of downloadable games, xbox currently winning this race by a mile.
Monkey Island 1 & 2
Symphony of the Night
Castle crashers
The list continues but its fair to say until recently there is nothing that i wanted to buy over the PSN..............



Scott pilgrim vs the world is for the lack of a better word the bomb fucking diggity. The storyline Loosely follows the plot of the graphic novels and has us take control of Scott as you try and defeat his new girlfriends 7 evil exes.
The style of game is a final fight / double dragon / river city random type game play and has you walking streets beating what seems to be everyone. I hope to god that whoever buys this has friends that they know in person because its pretty brutal and you wont find any help online, yeah thats right offline Co-Op while that isn't horribly bad you would think that in todays age an online mode would be added. due to the difficulty and my lack of finding 4 people that want to play at once the best ive done is 2 players we managed to get to the 2ND level.

The game features a level up / stat building system, basic at best but helps when you finally can learn a new power move for punching in your neighbors dog's face. The art style to this game is fucking amazing running in HI-DEF the game is smooth and its 2d pixelated sprites and setting are feasts for the eyes. finally PSN has given me something to spend my hard earned money ABOUT FUCKING TIME SONY YOU PRICKS.

i suggest anyone who owns a ps3 to purchase this title.

In conclusion i brought this game for about 15 dollars and a few days later i brought Kane and Lynch 2 for 100. you do the maths :(

Ill leave you with 2 Trailers.

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