Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Top 10 Videogame Characters I Want To Be Added To The Next Smash Brothers Game PART 1

 This is a list i made of characters that had graced a Nintendo console in the past. So before you say "Hey YoBrocko that character  is now owned by blahblahblah that could never happen your an idiot". FUCK YOU I KNOW. This is my list i'm going to add whoever i want.
For each charcter the template will follow:

LEVEL: This would be the their level in the smash brothers game that represents them.
MUSIC: The music that would represent them on their level (and hopefully a link to it if i can find one.)
MOVES: any moves that they could possibly have in the game.

When i first started thinking of characters id like to see in a future smash brothers game the first that came to mind was bubsy. Originally designed to be someone to match sonic the hedgehog, Bubsy was a speedy little feline with one of the most annoying voices of the Snes days "What could possibly go wrong""Did i mention i didnt like heights". Most of the games charm came from its humour and was a fun and enjoyable platformer for the SNES and Megadrive (or if your a yank genesis).

STAGE: Chapter 1 Village.
MUSIC:  Title Theme
MOVES: Yarn throw, Piano Drop

Ninja Turtles eat your mother fucking hearts out these are the real deal. These 3 brothers are kick ass beyond belief which makes the game bearable because it is HARDD !!!!!1111!!!! (notice the caps and exclamation marks? yes its that fucking hard i had to use them.) if anyone can pass the bike level i will personally give you 100 dollars. The soundtrack to this game is worth buying it. The 3 bros would play like the pokemon trainer from brawl being able to swtich in and out on the fly. each would have their own attack types. Foot / Hands and whatever the 3rd one uses.

STAGE: Level 1 Volcanic level.
MUSIC: T-Birds Theme
MOVES: Anvil fist, Ram Horn Headbutt.
This character i can see easily fitting into a fighting style game pretty easy. Hes a dinosaur which is thats not cool enough he rides a fucking prehistoric skateboard now that is radical. Once again this is another SNES game i grew up playing and adore it a lot so he's worthy of a spot and turns out he is actually Australian.

STAGE: Level 1 jungle.
MUSIC: Level 1 jungle
MOVES: Flying kick, Skateboard Bash, Fire Breathe.
(Due to legal issues and not wanting to get sued this article will refer to a certain company as Micro$$$oft and Rawr)
Everyones Favorite bear and bird duo would be the perfect pair of characters to star in a smash brothers game but thanks to Micro$$$oft and Rawr we can at this point only dream about playing them.Having their unique style of game play and huge following i can see these two became fan favorites.  

STAGE:  Spiral Mountain
MUSIC: Spiral Mountain
MOVES: Beak Barge, Egg Firing.
He's a fucking evil crow in a space suit enough said!

STAGE: Puppy Love
MUSIC: Puppy Love parts 1 / 2 / 3
MOVES: Bomb Throw, Angry Pit Bull Mother.
Next on the list is a character I've always quite enjoyed and felt he would be perfect in a fighting game. His moves are already there and nothing is better then someone who uses duel swords. Lloyd is from the tales of Symphonia series and would, I can only assume be god tier if included in a smash game. Why Namco haven't already created a fighting game with their catalog of characters is beyond me if they can keep making Tekkens they can surely makes a tales fighter. 

STAGE: Iselia. 
MUSIC: Full Force
MOVES: Psi Tempest, Twin Tiger Blade.

Well that does it for part 1 hopefully sooner rather then later i will get part 2 under way hope you mostly agree with my picks so far.

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